Welcome to RaricaNow 

We are dedicated to creating a world where every individual can live with freedom, dignity, and self-respect. Through our mission, we seek to empower LGBTQ2S+ individuals and other marginalized communities to lead fulfilling lives and contribute to society.

Land acknowledgement

We recognize that we organize and gather in solidarity and rage with the Indigenous peoples of Treaty 6; the Nehiyaw, the Dene, the Nakota Sioux, the Blackfoot, the Saulteaux and Papaschase people. We understand it is our responsibility to honor the teachings of this Land, as well as bring our own Indigenous knowledge and identities from across the globe. We recognize Indigenous sovereignty is key to the liberation of all Land and People and understand the colonial consequence of displacement that has brought many of us here. We understand the relationship we have to this Land and its People is nuanced and complex but overall is one of gratitude, peace and forward moving community

Our Journey.